Anywhos, I woke up this morning needing to get a lot of work work done - the kind I get paid for. I've been gone for a few days, I'll be traveling for work again soon and my commission statement is due. But first things first . . .
I've been planning this for while (yeah. Seven days or so) and wanted to put together a spreadsheet/graph of my weights, muscle %, fat %, (and water and bone) because the scale tracks all that stuff. (Or does it!) To my shock and horror (OK, too strong - disappointment and frustration), my EatSmart BSES-06 keeps track of 8 users but doesn't keep track of your stats over time. (Apparently all other fat, near-sighted, in their undies guys keep a pad and pen at hand when they weight themseleves. Something I failed to do. *sigh*)
So, the long and short of it, in seven days I have lost 10 lbs. and my tracking data. (I did learn to spell cantaloupe too) I feel great. With the exception of one hapless mango inhalation (I did not inhale. - Now read it again in your best Bill Clinton voice), a kizmet-bound, lesson teaching buffalo chicken salad, and a "failure to plan" lone chicken finger, I have not chewed in 7 days. I have not had the odd mood swings I had with HCG. (Look for a comment from my wife below if she disagrees.) I have not had the headaches or the uncontrollable food cravings either (Man, I used to dream of the day I could eat something. I'd hide girl scout cookies in the back of the freezer. I'd even chew stuff and then spit it out.)
I have had good energy levels. Not great but good. (If I had great energy levels would I be 5'11" 222lbs? No, I'd be the mountain bike riding, climb stairs without weezing guy I want to be. Well watch out 'cus here I come.)
I'll probably have to track my results on my old scale or on the Wii or something. I'll have better numbers next time.

2 Green Apples
4 Carrots
1 Sweet potato

1 1/2 Lemon
5 Grapes
It's no bacon, but it's pretty solid. I've got to go the store quick and get some more supplies as I fear that without reenforcements, I won't resist the dastardly breakfast burrito for long. I'd better get to work before I "clean up the kitchen".
Crap. Working and lost track of time. It's 2pm and I am not feeling well. I am grumpy. My last juice was at 9:00am and I am woefully low on supplies. To the kitchen! A quick inventory reveals I've got:
1 Green apple
1 Cucumber
1 1/2 Lemon
2 Big handfuls of spinach
1 Piece of ginger
1 Beet
I "decide" to green it up. I throw the beet back in the bin for another (when-I-am-out-of-my-mind-and-forget-that-I-still-really-really-dislike-beets) day and run everything through the juicer. (I'm not sure if I washed it or who I yelled at in the process - sorry kids.) It's pretty much my staple "light green" juice but it represents the sum total of my supplies. I am grumpy for waiting this long to "eat" and for running this low on supplies. The juice doesn't taste good. (Clarification - It never tastes "good" but in this case I think it's more me being upset that I have no choice) Lesson learned - Don't run out of supplies or you will have to "force juice" and that tastes particularly bitter. (I didn't even get a picture. Bitter and grumpy)
What is my deal!! It's 6:30pm and I am "starving" again. The "work work" is taking it's toll. I put my head down and get to work, hours fly by, and the next thing I know I am grumpy and need food. And I am out, out, out of supplies. I grab oldest daughter and my youngest son (no shoes) and head for the store. (She needs "camp stuff". He needs to be "out of his mom's way". I may be grumpy and out of food, but I am still smart enough not to leave the toddler home while she's napping. I've been married longer than that boys!)
My daughter jumps in the car and on her phone and 1/2 mile down the road informs me that the party is at 6:30 not 8:30. This is the first I am hearing of said party but upon hearing the required "mom said", I head for the other side of the valley. Now it's almost 7:00, I have a toddler (who my daughter wound up before she departed), and no supplies. I hit the grocery store with my (no shoes) toddler and there are no "sit-your-toddler-here-and-strap-them-in" carts. (Thanks cart guys) To his joy and delight, I let him ride on the front of the tiny, two level carts that I vastly perfer when shopping alone and we head out.
$50 later (doing this isn't cheap, it's just good for you) I have all my supplies and enough bagged Cherrio-like cereal to last for a few days. (NO, I am not juicing Cheerios.) I get home and announce too loudly that I haven't eaten in a week and I need to juice before I talk to anyone. At the grocery store I picked up some plums. Don't even know if I can/should juice them (remember, I am "teaching" myself this whole thing. *I'll look it up tonight*) but I run:
4 Plums
2 Apples
1 Cucumber
5 Kale leaves
1 1/2 Lemon
1 Packing of Spinach
Through the juicer. (Insert straw. Aaah. Forgot the ice. Needs a minute to cool.) At this point the family dinner of BBQ Chicken, Rice, and French Bread hits the table. (I begin to guzzle) I cut up the toddlers chicken (faster) and scoop a tablespoon of butter on his rice (I could pull a golf ball through a garden hose I am sucking so hard on the straw. Where is my Chill Pipe!!) I better leave the table. (Ooops! No picture!)
The rest of the night is hard. Partly because I have forgotten twice to juice on time. I also didn't even contemplate my "Snack". I have (unintentionally) been low on my water intake and I did just get back from two FULL days in the sun. But the worst of it is the gallon-sized Ziploc bag on the counter full of garlic bread. (It's 5 hours since dinner) In one last act of grumpy defiance, I drop the frying pan (I haven't used one in 7 days but someone under 18 made eggs this morning) into the drying rack and write a "Calvinist-like" declaration of the NEW rules of the kitchen:
I am pretty sure I am still here. I didn't make anyone cry (that I know of) and I didn't die. The bright side is that the kitchen will be clean or I don't have to buy any more (non-juicing) groceries anymore. Hope they like Cheerio-like cereal.
Dan, you need to teach one of your kids (probably your oldest & very responsible girl) how to juice. Then tell her DON'T let me go past --o'clock with out "eating". It is ok to ask for help & maybe she will help you find some new yummy recipes. Love you. Take care of yourself!