Who hasn't potty trained a toddler? Either a son/daughter or a little brother/sister/niece/nephew? I've been involved in more than I would like to admit. There is something odd that happens in all of them - every time. The little guy gets really, really solid at taking care of business at home. He's got the system down. He knows where the bathrooms are. He knows where the treats are. He knows what's what. Then, without warning, his parents will arrogantly pack him in the car and take him to unfamiliar territory. It may be to show off. It may be just to get out of the house after days (or weeks) in potty-training quarantine. Whatever the reason, everything quickly (and soggily) goes sideways. Wise, practiced parents will have "prepared" by packing extra undies and extra treats. Unfortunately, no amount of reminding, cajoling, begging or running will help that little guy stay on track. He's going to have blow-outs, make puddles, and basically set himself back into the potty-training dark ages. WHY am I writing about this on a juice blog? Well, I am that little guy. (NO! I didn't *actually* have blow-outs or make puddles ((and even if I did, I wouldn't ever ever ever write about it here)) but I did get out of my element and put myself way way way back.) I almost put this down as DAY 1.2 but I decided this was another instance of IRL.
The cabin is a great place that put me into a great frame of mind. I was on Jimmy-Buffet time. I nearly never had my phone on me. I did manly stuff like split wood, organize tool sheds, build ziplines, and ride my beloved mountain bike. I even juiced once a day. But here is the out of the element part. I had cabin-like, back woods water pressure. I had NO garbage disposal. I had my supplies in an under-iced cooler on the porch. (Sorry cucumbers and spinach. Dispite our differences, I would never commit veggie-side. You died from neglect not premeditation.)
I am now in New Mexico again. C-Max and I cleared security late Monday night and we landed in the Sun Port, grabbed a taxi and headed for home (the extended stay down the street from the office). Tuesday was a no-juice, all-day-in-meetings, loss. But Tuesday night I went to Wally-World and loaded up.
It has been a challenge. I have hit the dirt. The rodeo appeared to be over. I even grabbed some BBQ Monday evening. I was giving up. I rolled out of bed Tuesday morning determined to do better.
DAY 26:
I jumped out of bed. Cranked up C-Max and worked a plan. I am going to juice more today then yesterday. More the next day than the last. I have to get back in the saddle. I have to crank this back up.
Today I made:
3 Carrots
3 Cups of Kale
2 Green Apples
1 Small Lemon
1 1/4 Pineapple
I made it twice. It wasn't bad. I drank it kind of slowly. Still with the chill pipe but without golf-ball-through-a-hose-intensity. It wasn't too bad. As my brother-in-law was right. Greens make it gross. Pineapple makes it taste like nothing. I am going to back off on the pineapple to find the balance between taste and cost.

I won't tip my hat as to where I ate dinner. It was a salad with chicken strips at a rather overly-busy chicken establishment.
Tomorrow is my last day on the road and then back to vacation for a few more days. I will checking out of my hotel but continuing to juice at the office.
As a funny side story, I have a nephew that is giving this juicing a try. He is also attempting to set the record for the worst juice ever concocted. I don't know what else he put in his DAY 3 juice or how much he made that day, but I do know he juiced 6 cloves of garlic. He says it was horrid but he managed to get it down. For that I commend him. I don't know what that would taste like but I'd imagine it had to be pretty unbearable.
When I say, "Don't die" I mean it. Don't die from being unhealthy. Don't die from neglecting yourself and above all . . . Don't die from drinking 6 juiced cloves of garlic.
See you tomorrow.